該用 lay 還是 lie?

lay 是較常見的用法。

區別 lay 和 lie:意思和差異

在英語中,「lay」和「lie」常常讓人困惑,因為它們的意思和用法有所不同。「Lay」的意思是「放置」,通常需要一個直接受詞,例如「I lay the book on the table.」(我把書放在桌子上)。而「lie」則是指「躺下」,不需要受詞,例如「I lie down on the bed.」(我躺在床上)。此外,「lay」的過去式是「laid」,而「lie」的過去式是「lay」,這也是常見的混淆點。了解這些區別後,可以更正確地使用這兩個動詞。

  • lay 的例句

    例句中 lay 的用法

    The cat likes to lay on the warm windowsill.

    She decided to lay the book on the table.

    He will lay the groundwork for the project tomorrow.

    Please lay your coat on the chair when you come in.

    They plan to lay the foundation for the new building next week.

    I always lay my keys in the same spot.

    The artist will lay down the first strokes on the canvas.

    You should lay your worries aside and enjoy the moment.

    The teacher asked the students to lay out their ideas clearly.

    After the long day, I just want to lay down and relax.

  • lie 的例句

    例句中 lie 的用法

    I can't believe you would lie to me about that.

    She decided to lie down for a quick nap.

    He tried to lie his way out of trouble, but it didn't work.

    The book was so interesting that I could hardly lie it down.

    It's hard to trust someone who tends to lie frequently.

    They found a place to lie low until the storm passed.

    You should never lie about your feelings; honesty is important.

    The dog likes to lie in the sun during the afternoon.

    If you lie still, the doctor will be able to examine you better.

    I would rather hear the truth than a lie.

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