該用 invoke 還是 evoke?

invoke 是較常見的用法。

區別 invoke 和 evoke:意思和差異

「invoke」和「evoke」在英文中有不同的用法和意義。「invoke」通常指的是呼喚或引發某種力量、情感或記憶,常用於法律或宗教的語境中,例如「invoke a law」表示引用法律。而「evoke」則是指喚起或引發某種情感或回憶,常用於藝術或文學中,例如「evoke memories」表示喚起回憶。簡單來說,「invoke」偏向於主動的呼喚,而「evoke」則是被動的引發。這兩個詞在使用時要根據上下文來選擇。

  • invoke 的例句

    例句中 invoke 的用法

    The teacher decided to invoke her authority to maintain order in the classroom.

    Many programmers invoke functions to execute specific tasks in their code.

    During the ceremony, the speaker will invoke the spirit of unity among the participants.

    To solve the problem, we need to invoke the right algorithm that fits the data.

    The lawyer will invoke a precedent to strengthen her case in court.

    In times of crisis, leaders often invoke the need for solidarity and cooperation.

    The artist aims to invoke emotions through her powerful paintings.

    To access the database, you must invoke the correct API endpoint.

    He tried to invoke a sense of nostalgia with his music.

    The coach will invoke the team's past victories to motivate the players.

  • evoke 的例句

    例句中 evoke 的用法

    The song can evoke strong memories of my childhood.

    Her painting seems to evoke a sense of tranquility.

    The smell of fresh bread can evoke feelings of comfort and home.

    His words evoke a deep sense of nostalgia for the past.

    The movie was able to evoke a range of emotions from the audience.

    Certain colors can evoke different moods and feelings.

    The story aims to evoke empathy for the main character's struggles.

    A photograph can often evoke powerful memories and emotions.

    The poem is designed to evoke images of nature and beauty.

    Music has the power to evoke emotions that words sometimes cannot express.

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