該用 honor 還是 honour?

honor 是較常見的用法。

區別 honor 和 honour:意思和差異


  • honor 的例句

    例句中 honor 的用法

    The soldier received a medal to honor his bravery.

    She felt it was her duty to honor her parents' wishes.

    In many cultures, it is important to honor the elders.

    The award ceremony was held to honor the achievements of the students.

    He decided to honor his commitment to the project.

    They gathered to honor the memory of their late friend.

    It is essential to honor the agreements made in business.

    The community came together to honor the local heroes.

    She wore a dress that was designed to honor her heritage.

    To honor the occasion, they planned a grand celebration.

  • honour 的例句

    例句中 honour 的用法

    The award was given in honour of her outstanding contributions to the community.

    He felt a deep sense of honour when he was invited to speak at the ceremony.

    In many cultures, it is considered a great honour to host a guest.

    She wore the medal with honour, proud of her achievements.

    The team played with honour, showing respect for their opponents.

    To serve your country is a noble honour that many aspire to.

    He accepted the title with honour, knowing the responsibilities it entailed.

    The honour of being chosen as the leader was overwhelming for her.

    They celebrated the honour of their ancestors during the festival.

    In his speech, he emphasized the importance of honour in personal integrity.

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