historic vs historical

historic 是較常見的用法。


「historic」和「historical」在英文中有著不同的用法。「Historic」指的是具有重要意義或影響的事件或時刻,例如「historic moment」意指具有歷史意義的時刻。相對地,「historical」則是指與歷史相關的事物,通常用來描述過去的事件或時期,如「historical records」指的是歷史記錄。簡而言之,「historic」強調重要性,而「historical」則強調與歷史的關聯。了解這兩者的區別,有助於更精確地表達與歷史相關的概念。

  • historic 的例句

    The historic event changed the course of history.

    Many people gathered to witness the historic speech by the leader.

    The historic building was preserved as a national monument.

    She visited the historic site during her vacation.

    The historic agreement marked a turning point in relations.

    He wrote a book about the historic battles of the region.

    The historic discovery was celebrated by scientists worldwide.

    They celebrated the historic anniversary with a grand ceremony.

    The historic photograph captured a moment of great significance.

    This historic moment will be remembered for generations to come.

  • historical 的例句

    The museum features many historical artifacts from ancient civilizations.

    She wrote a historical novel set during the Victorian era.

    The historical significance of the event cannot be overstated.

    He is studying historical trends in economic development.

    The documentary provided a historical overview of the civil rights movement.

    They visited a historical site that played a key role in the war.

    Her research focuses on historical figures who shaped modern politics.

    The historical context of the painting adds depth to its meaning.

    We learned about historical events that led to the formation of the nation.

    The historical records indicate a significant population growth during that period.

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