該用 hear-hear 還是 here-here?

hear-hear 是較常見的用法。

區別 hear-hear 和 here-here:意思和差異


  • hear-hear 的例句

    例句中 hear-hear 的用法

    The audience responded with a loud hear-hear after the speaker finished his point.

    During the debate, many people shouted hear-hear to show their agreement.

    When she made her argument, the crowd erupted in hear-hear.

    His insightful comments were met with a chorus of hear-hear from the attendees.

    After the presentation, the panelists nodded in approval, saying hear-hear.

    The politician's speech was so compelling that it prompted a hear-hear from the crowd.

    As soon as he finished, the room filled with hear-hear from the supporters.

    The teacher's explanation was so clear that the students responded with a hear-hear.

    At the rally, the crowd frequently shouted hear-hear to show their support.

    When she concluded her speech, the audience erupted in hear-hear to express their enthusiasm.

  • here-here 的例句

    例句中 here-here 的用法

    I found the here-here that I was looking for.

    The here-here is a great place to relax.

    Can you believe the here-here is still open?

    She pointed to the here-here on the map.

    The here-here was bustling with activity.

    I love the atmosphere at the here-here.

    We should meet at the here-here later.

    The here-here has a beautiful view of the sunset.

    He always feels at home in the here-here.

    The here-here is known for its delicious food.

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