該用 dove 還是 dived?

dove 是較常見的用法。

區別 dove 和 dived:意思和差異

在英語中,"dove" 和 "dived" 都是動詞 "dive" 的過去式,但它們的使用上有些差異。"Dove" 是美式英語中常用的過去式,而 "dived" 則是英式英語的標準形式。雖然兩者都可以被理解,但在正式場合或學術寫作中,使用 "dived" 會更為恰當。總的來說,選擇哪一個形式通常取決於地區和語境。

  • dove 的例句

    例句中 dove 的用法

    The dove flew gracefully across the sky.

    She released a dove as a symbol of peace.

    The children watched the dove land on the windowsill.

    In the park, a dove cooed softly in the trees.

    He painted a beautiful picture of a dove in flight.

    The dove returned to its nest after a long day.

    A white dove is often associated with love and harmony.

    They spotted a dove perched on the garden fence.

    The dove was a gift from her grandmother on her wedding day.

    As the sun set, a dove appeared against the orange sky.

  • dived 的例句

    例句中 dived 的用法

    The athlete dived into the pool with great enthusiasm.

    She dived into her studies to prepare for the exam.

    He dived headfirst into the project, eager to make an impact.

    The children dived off the diving board, laughing and splashing.

    After the storm, the rescue team dived into the water to search for survivors.

    She dived into the ocean, feeling the cool water envelop her.

    The photographer dived for the perfect shot as the sun set.

    He dived into the conversation, sharing his thoughts passionately.

    They dived into the history books to learn more about their heritage.

    The cat dived after the toy, showcasing its playful nature.

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