該用 disk 還是 disc?

disk 是較常見的用法。

區別 disk 和 disc:意思和差異

在英文中,「disk」和「disc」的主要區別在於用法和拼寫。一般來說,「disk」常用於指代電腦儲存裝置,如硬碟(hard disk),而「disc」則多用於音樂或影片媒介,如光碟(CD/DVD)。此外,「disc」在醫學上也用來指代椎間盤(intervertebral disc)。雖然兩者在發音上相似,但在不同的上下文中使用會更為恰當。總的來說,選擇使用哪一個詞取決於所指的物品類型。

  • disk 的例句

    例句中 disk 的用法

    The computer's hard disk was almost full.

    He inserted a disk into the drive to save his work.

    The disk was damaged and could not be read.

    She used a disk to transfer files between computers.

    The game requires a special disk to run properly.

    He backed up his data on an external disk.

    The disk spins rapidly to access the data.

    She found an old disk with family photos on it.

    The disk format was not compatible with the new system.

    He was surprised to see a disk from the 90s still working.

  • disc 的例句

    例句中 disc 的用法

    The DJ played a new disc that got everyone dancing.

    I found an old disc in the attic that belonged to my parents.

    She decided to burn her favorite songs onto a disc for the road trip.

    The disc was scratched, making it difficult to play the movie.

    He used a disc to store all his important files and documents.

    The disc golf tournament attracted players from all over the country.

    I need to buy a new disc for my gaming console.

    The scientist studied the disc shape of the galaxy in her research.

    They listened to the disc while enjoying a picnic in the park.

    The disc brakes on the bike provide better stopping power than traditional ones.

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