該用 dis 還是 un?

dis 是較常見的用法。

區別 dis 和 un:意思和差異

在英文中,"dis" 和 "un" 都是常見的前綴,用來表示否定或相反的意思。首先,"un" 通常用於形容詞或副詞,例如 "happy" 變成 "unhappy",表示不快樂。相對地,"dis" 多用於動詞,像是 "agree" 變成 "disagree",表示不同意。雖然兩者都能表達否定,但使用的詞性和語境有所不同。此外,"dis" 有時也帶有更強烈的反對或對立的意味。

  • dis 的例句

    例句中 dis 的用法

    The teacher asked us to discuss the topic in groups.

    She felt a sense of disappointment after the game.

    The movie was a disaster at the box office.

    He tried to disguise his true feelings during the meeting.

    The discovery of the ancient artifact was exciting.

    They had to dismiss the idea due to budget constraints.

    Her disbelief in the story made it hard for her to enjoy the book.

    The disruption in service caused many complaints.

    He made a disparaging remark about the competition.

    The disagreement between the two parties was evident.

  • un 的例句

    例句中 un 的用法

    I feel unhappy today.

    She made an unexpected visit.

    The movie was quite uninteresting.

    He has an unusual talent for painting.

    This task seems unmanageable at the moment.

    The results were unsatisfactory for the team.

    I found the book to be uninspiring.

    Her reaction was uncharacteristic of her.

    They faced unforeseen challenges during the project.

    The weather was unbearably hot last summer.

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