該用 different from 還是 different than?

different from 是較常見的用法。

區別 different from 和 different than:意思和差異

在英語中,「different from」和「different than」常常讓人困惑。一般來說,「different from」是較為正式且普遍接受的用法,適用於大多數情況。例如,我們可以說「A is different from B」。而「different than」則主要在美式英語中使用,通常用於某些特定的句型,例如「It's different than I expected」。在台灣的英語學習中,建議優先使用「different from」,以避免混淆。總之,雖然兩者在口語中都能被理解,但「different from」更為標準。

  • different from 的例句

    例句中 different from 的用法

    The way she thinks is different from what I expected.

    His approach to solving problems is different from mine.

    This painting is different from the others in the gallery.

    Her style of writing is different from traditional methods.

    The climate here is different from what I experienced in my hometown.

    Their opinions are different from each other on this matter.

    The new model is different from the previous version in many ways.

    His perspective on life is different from that of his peers.

    The flavors in this dish are different from anything I've tasted before.

    The rules in this game are different from those in the last one we played.

  • different than 的例句

    例句中 different than 的用法

    The way she thinks is different than what I expected.

    His approach to solving problems is different than mine.

    This painting looks different than the one we saw last week.

    The weather today is different than it was yesterday.

    Her opinion is different than the majority of the group.

    The results of the experiment were different than anticipated.

    Their culture is different than ours in many ways.

    The new policy is different than the previous one.

    The book's ending is different than the movie adaptation.

    His style of writing is different than any author I've read.

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