該用 despite 還是 in spite of?

despite 是較常見的用法。

區別 despite 和 in spite of:意思和差異

「despite」和「in spite of」在意思上非常相似,都是用來表示某種情況或事實的存在,卻沒有影響到另一件事情的發生。兩者都可以翻譯為「儘管」或「雖然」。不過,使用上有些微的差異。「despite」後面通常接名詞或動名詞,而「in spite of」則是固定搭配,後面也接名詞或動名詞。舉例來說,我們可以說「Despite the rain, we went for a walk.」(儘管下雨,我們還是去散步。)或「In spite of the rain, we went for a walk.」(雖然下雨,我們還是去散步。)這兩句話的意思相同,但結構略有不同。總的來說,選擇使用哪一個主要取決於個人的語言習慣。

  • despite 的例句

    例句中 despite 的用法

    She decided to go for a run despite the rain.

    Despite his lack of experience, he performed exceptionally well.

    They enjoyed the picnic despite the chilly weather.

    Despite her busy schedule, she always finds time for her friends.

    He smiled despite feeling nervous about the presentation.

    Despite the challenges, they managed to complete the project on time.

    She continued to study despite the distractions around her.

    Despite the warnings, they ventured into the forest.

    He remained optimistic despite the setbacks he faced.

    Despite the late hour, they decided to watch one more movie.

  • in spite of 的例句

    例句中 in spite of 的用法

    She decided to go for a run in spite of the rain.

    In spite of his lack of experience, he performed exceptionally well.

    They enjoyed the picnic in spite of the chilly weather.

    In spite of her busy schedule, she always finds time to help others.

    He passed the exam in spite of not studying much.

    In spite of the traffic, they arrived on time for the meeting.

    She smiled in spite of feeling sad inside.

    In spite of the challenges, they completed the project successfully.

    He continued to play in spite of his injury.

    In spite of the criticism, she stood by her decision.

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