該用 crawfish 還是 crayfish?

crawfish 是較常見的用法。

區別 crawfish 和 crayfish:意思和差異

在台灣,"crawfish" 和 "crayfish" 這兩個詞常被用來指同一種小型淡水甲殼類動物,但其實有些細微的區別。"Crawfish" 通常在美國南部使用,特別是路易斯安那州,並且常與當地的美食文化相關聯。"Crayfish" 則是更廣泛的學術用語,常見於生物學和科學文獻中。雖然兩者在外觀和生態上相似,但在不同地區的使用習慣和文化背景上有所不同。總的來說,無論是使用哪個詞,這些小生物在烹飪上都受到廣泛喜愛。

  • crawfish 的例句

    例句中 crawfish 的用法

    The chef prepared a delicious dish with crawfish and spices.

    During the summer, we love to go fishing for crawfish in the nearby river.

    My grandmother's secret recipe includes crawfish and homemade pasta.

    At the festival, we enjoyed a variety of crawfish dishes from local vendors.

    The crawfish boil was the highlight of our family reunion.

    I learned how to catch crawfish using a simple trap.

    The restaurant is famous for its spicy crawfish étouffée.

    We watched as the crawfish scurried across the muddy bank.

    In Louisiana, crawfish season is celebrated with great enthusiasm.

    The kids were excited to see the crawfish in the aquarium at the science center.

  • crayfish 的例句

    例句中 crayfish 的用法

    The chef prepared a delicious dish featuring crayfish and garlic butter.

    During the summer, we often go fishing for crayfish in the local river.

    My favorite seafood restaurant serves a fantastic crayfish bisque.

    In some cultures, crayfish are considered a delicacy and are served at special occasions.

    The children were excited to catch crayfish during their camping trip.

    We learned about the life cycle of crayfish in our biology class.

    For the party, we decided to have a crayfish boil with friends and family.

    The crayfish scuttled across the riverbed, searching for food.

    In Louisiana, crayfish are often used in traditional Cajun dishes.

    I bought some fresh crayfish from the market to make a seafood pasta.

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