can vs could

can 是較常見的用法。


"Can" 和 "could" 都是表示能力或可能性的助動詞,但它們的用法有所不同。"Can" 通常用來表示現在的能力或許可,例如「我可以游泳。」而 "could" 則多用於過去的能力或假設情況,例如「我小時候可以游泳。」此外,"could" 也常用於禮貌請求,例如「你能幫我一下嗎?」這樣的用法比 "can" 更加委婉。總的來說,"can" 側重於現在,而 "could" 則涉及過去或假設的情境。

  • can 的例句

    I can swim very well.

    She can play the piano beautifully.

    They can finish the project on time.

    He can speak three languages fluently.

    We can go to the park later.

    You can help me with my homework.

    The dog can fetch the ball.

    I can see the mountains from here.

    She can cook delicious meals.

    They can solve the puzzle together.

  • could 的例句

    I could go to the party if I finish my work.

    She said she could help me with my homework.

    If I had a car, I could drive you to the airport.

    He could play the piano beautifully when he was younger.

    They could see the mountains from their hotel room.

    I could eat pizza every day and never get tired of it.

    We could visit the museum this weekend if you want.

    She could speak three languages fluently.

    If it rains, we could stay indoors and watch movies.

    I wish I could travel around the world someday.

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