該用 burned 還是 burnt?

burned 是較常見的用法。

區別 burned 和 burnt:意思和差異

在英語中,「burned」和「burnt」都是「燒」的過去式和過去分詞,但它們的使用上有些差異。「Burned」是美式英語中較常見的形式,而「burnt」則多見於英式英語。雖然兩者都可以互換使用,但在某些情境下,「burnt」常用來形容食物被燒焦的狀態,例如「burnt toast」。此外,「burned」在法律或正式文件中使用較多,因為它的語氣較為中性。總的來說,選擇哪一個形式主要取決於語境和地區。

  • burned 的例句

    例句中 burned 的用法

    The candle burned brightly in the dark room.

    She burned the toast while trying to make breakfast.

    The fire burned for hours before it was finally extinguished.

    He burned his hand on the hot stove.

    The sun burned down on us during our hike.

    They burned the old documents to protect their privacy.

    The athlete burned through the competition with ease.

    Her passion for art burned fiercely within her.

    The forest burned in the wildfire, leaving behind ashes.

    He burned the midnight oil to finish his project on time.

  • burnt 的例句

    例句中 burnt 的用法

    The toast was burnt to a crisp this morning.

    She had a burnt orange dress that looked stunning on her.

    After the campfire, the logs were burnt and smoldering.

    He accidentally burnt his hand while cooking dinner.

    The burnt smell lingered in the kitchen for hours.

    They found a burnt piece of paper in the fireplace.

    The burnt edges of the photograph gave it a vintage look.

    She loved the flavor of burnt marshmallows over the fire.

    The burnt offering was a significant part of the ritual.

    His burnt memories of the accident still haunted him.

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