bring vs take

bring 是較常見的用法。



  • bring 的例句

    I will bring my favorite book to the meeting.

    Can you bring your camera to the party?

    She promised to bring dessert for the gathering.

    Please bring your own drinks to the picnic.

    They will bring the supplies for the project.

    Don't forget to bring your ID for the event.

    I hope you can bring your friends along.

    He always brings a smile to our faces.

    We need to bring more chairs for the guests.

    Let's bring this idea to life together.

  • take 的例句

    I will take the bus to work today.

    She decided to take a break from studying.

    Can you take this package to the post office?

    He always takes the time to help others.

    They plan to take a vacation next month.

    Please take a seat while you wait.

    I need to take my dog for a walk.

    She will take the lead in the project.

    Don't forget to take your umbrella; it might rain.

    We should take a moment to appreciate the view.

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