該用 breathe 還是 breath?

breathe 是較常見的用法。

區別 breathe 和 breath:意思和差異

「breathe」和「breath」是英語中常見的兩個詞,但它們的意思和用法有所不同。「breathe」是動詞,意思是「呼吸」,指的是吸入和排出空氣的動作。例如,我們可以說「I breathe in fresh air」(我吸入新鮮空氣)。而「breath」則是名詞,指的是「呼吸」的過程或狀態,例如「Take a deep breath」(深呼吸一下)。簡而言之,「breathe」是動作,「breath」是結果或狀態。

  • breathe 的例句

    例句中 breathe 的用法

    I need to breathe deeply to calm my nerves.

    It's important to breathe fresh air every morning.

    She took a moment to breathe and collect her thoughts.

    The doctor advised him to breathe slowly during the exam.

    When you exercise, remember to breathe steadily.

    He felt a sense of relief as he could finally breathe again.

    The yoga instructor taught us how to breathe properly.

    Inhale through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.

    Sometimes, all you need is to step outside and breathe.

    The baby took its first breathe after being born.

  • breath 的例句

    例句中 breath 的用法

    She took a deep breath before speaking.

    The cold air made her breath visible in the morning light.

    After running, he needed a moment to catch his breath.

    The doctor listened to her breath with a stethoscope.

    A sigh of relief escaped her breath when she heard the news.

    He held his breath as he waited for the results.

    The breath of fresh air was invigorating after being indoors.

    She felt a breath of inspiration as she watched the sunset.

    The breath of life is a precious gift we often take for granted.

    With each breath, he felt more at peace with his decision.

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