該用 bear 還是 bare?

bear 是較常見的用法。

區別 bear 和 bare:意思和差異

"Bear" 和 "bare" 是兩個發音相似但意義截然不同的英文單字。"Bear" 通常指的是一種動物,或是作為動詞時表示承受或忍受的意思。相對地,"bare" 則是形容詞,意指光禿禿的、赤裸的或未覆蓋的狀態。舉例來說,"The bear is in the forest"(那隻熊在森林裡)和 "He walked on the bare ground"(他走在光禿的地面上)就清楚地展示了這兩個字的不同用法。了解這些差異有助於正確使用這些單字。

  • bear 的例句

    例句中 bear 的用法

    The mother bear protects her cubs fiercely.

    He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

    They decided to bear the burden together.

    The bear climbed the tree to find food.

    She had to bear with the noise during the construction.

    He was too young to bear such heavy responsibilities.

    The bear wandered through the forest in search of berries.

    I can't bear to see you upset.

    The bear is a symbol of strength and courage.

    They will bear witness to the event in court.

  • bare 的例句

    例句中 bare 的用法

    The tree stood bare against the winter sky.

    She walked on the bare floor without any shoes.

    His bare hands were cold in the winter air.

    The bare walls of the room needed some decoration.

    He felt bare and vulnerable without his armor.

    The bare essentials for camping include a tent and sleeping bag.

    She wore a bare minimum of makeup for the event.

    The bare truth is often hard to accept.

    The bare branches swayed gently in the breeze.

    They left the bare table untouched after dinner.

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