該用 based on 還是 based off?

based on 是較常見的用法。

區別 based on 和 based off:意思和差異

「based on」和「based off」在用法上有些微的差異。「based on」通常用來表示某事物是建立在某個基礎或依據之上,強調來源或根據。例如,「這部電影是基於真實故事改編的。」而「based off」則較常用於口語中,表示某事物是從某個來源衍生或啟發而來,語氣上較為隨意。雖然兩者在某些情境下可以互換使用,但「based on」在正式場合中更為常見。總的來說,選擇使用哪一個短語,取決於語境和所需的正式程度。

  • based on 的例句

    例句中 based on 的用法

    The movie is based on a true story.

    Her decision was based on careful consideration.

    The report is based on recent research findings.

    Our strategy is based on customer feedback.

    The book is based on historical events.

    His argument is based on solid evidence.

    The project was based on innovative ideas.

    Their success is based on teamwork and collaboration.

    The recipe is based on traditional cooking methods.

    The theory is based on scientific principles.

  • based off 的例句

    例句中 based off 的用法

    The movie is based off a true story about a famous scientist.

    Her design was based off the latest fashion trends in Europe.

    The game mechanics are based off popular titles from the past decade.

    His research is based off extensive field studies conducted over several years.

    The recipe is based off traditional methods passed down through generations.

    Their marketing strategy is based off consumer behavior analysis.

    The novel is based off a historical event that changed the course of history.

    The artwork is based off the artist's personal experiences and emotions.

    The software is based off user feedback to improve functionality.

    The curriculum is based off educational standards set by the government.

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