該用 afraid 還是 scared?

afraid 是較常見的用法。

區別 afraid 和 scared:意思和差異


  • afraid 的例句

    例句中 afraid 的用法

    I am afraid of the dark.

    She was afraid to speak in front of the crowd.

    He felt afraid when he heard the strange noise.

    They were afraid that they would miss the bus.

    The child is afraid of spiders.

    I’m not afraid to try new things.

    She looked afraid when she saw the storm approaching.

    He was afraid his secret would be revealed.

    Are you afraid of flying?

    The dog seemed afraid of the loud thunder.

  • scared 的例句

    例句中 scared 的用法

    I was scared when I heard a strange noise in the dark.

    She felt scared during the horror movie last night.

    The dog looked scared when the thunderstorm started.

    He was scared to speak in front of the large audience.

    They were scared of getting lost in the woods.

    The child was scared by the clown at the birthday party.

    I get scared easily when watching scary shows.

    She was scared to try the new roller coaster.

    He felt scared after reading the ghost story.

    The scared kitten hid under the couch.

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