該用 a hold 還是 ahold?

a hold 是較常見的用法。

區別 a hold 和 ahold:意思和差異

在英語中,「hold」和「ahold」有著不同的用法。「Hold」通常是動詞,表示握住或保持某物的動作,例如「I will hold the book.」而「ahold」則是名詞,常用於口語中,表示獲得或掌握某物的狀態,例如「I finally got ahold of the information.」此外,「ahold」常見於美式英語中,而在英式英語中則較少使用。總的來說,兩者在語法和語境上有明顯的區別。

  • a hold 的例句

    例句中 a hold 的用法

    She managed to get a hold of the situation quickly.

    He couldn't find a hold on his emotions during the meeting.

    The climber struggled to find a hold on the rocky surface.

    After several attempts, she finally got a hold of the elusive butterfly.

    It's important to have a hold on your finances to avoid debt.

    He tried to get a hold of the remote control before the game started.

    The teacher encouraged the students to get a hold of their study habits early.

    She felt a hold on her dreams slipping away as time passed.

    The athlete needed a hold on the bar to perform the lift correctly.

    He was determined to get a hold of his goals and achieve them this year.

  • ahold 的例句

    例句中 ahold 的用法

    She reached out to grab ahold of the rope tightly.

    He managed to get ahold of the last ticket for the concert.

    After a long struggle, she finally got ahold of her emotions.

    The child was excited to get ahold of the new toy.

    He couldn't believe he had ahold of such a rare book.

    Once she got ahold of the situation, everything started to improve.

    They were thrilled to get ahold of the limited edition sneakers.

    It took a while, but he finally got ahold of the right information.

    She was determined to get ahold of her dreams and make them a reality.

    He felt a sense of accomplishment when he got ahold of the project.

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