Sorry for the confusion vs Sorry for the confusion caused

Sorry for the confusion 是較常見的用法。


這兩者表達的意思相同,但是不包含 "caused"(前者)的使用率更高。

  • Sorry for the confusion 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 300,593 筆

    I'm so sorry for the confusion about the wedding time. We thought it was at 6:00PM.

    Sorry for the confusion--I didn't know this car was yours.

    My handwriting is terrible, so sorry for the confusion since you couldn't read it properly.

    Didn't I say I would be the one to bring the cake? Oh, sorry for the confusion about that.

    We are deeply** sorry for the confusion** this inorrect ticket caused you.

    Sorry for the confusion about the results, but it was not the fault of our laboratory.

  • sorry for the confusion caused 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 4,028 筆

    Sorry for the confusion caused by my thoughtless words. I didn't mean to mislead you.

    The told me the show was cancelled. Sorry for the confusion caused and any time wasted.

    We regret to inform you that the concert is now starting at 8:00 instead of 6:30. We apologize for the confusion caused.

    Sorry for the confusion caused, but I still need to leave here soon, regardless of what I told you before.

    These carrots are $3, not $2. Sorry for the confusion caused by this bad labeling.

    We would like to say sorry for the confusion caused by the words printed in this book.

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