Thus vs Therefore
Thus vs Therefore 的用法例句
Thus: The experiment showed consistent results; thus, we can conclude that our hypothesis is accurate.
Therefore: The road is closed due to heavy snowfall; therefore, we should take an alternate route to reach our destination on time.
Which vs That
Which vs That 的用法例句
Which (non-restrictive): My car, which is red, is parked outside. (The color of the car is extra information, and the sentence would still make sense without it.)
That (restrictive): The car that is parked outside is mine. (The phrase "that is parked outside" is essential to identify which car is being referred to; without it, the sentence lacks clarity.)
Affect vs Effect
「Affect」是動詞,是產生影響的意思。「Effect」是名詞,指的是行動的結果。從助記符的角度,可以這樣記憶: 「Affect」是動作,以「Action」的「A」開頭;而「Effect」是最終的結果,以「End result」的「E」開頭。
Affect vs Effect 的用法例句
Affect (verb): The bad news affected her deeply, causing her to feel sad all day.
Effect (noun): The positive effect of regular exercise is improved health and increased energy.
Among vs Between
Among vs Between的用法例句
Among (three or more): The treasure was divided among the four friends.
Between (two): The decision needs to be made between the two job offers.
Attribute vs Contribute
Attribute vs Contribute 的用法例句
Attribute (verb): She attributes her musical talent to her years of practice.
Contribute (verb): Many people contributed to the success of the fundraising event by donating their time and money.
Imply vs Infer
Imply vs Infer 的用法例句
Imply (speaker): She didn't say it outright, but her words implied that the project was behind schedule.
Infer (listener): From her words, I inferred that the project was not going as planned.
Whether vs If
Whether vs If 的用法例句
Whether (choice): I'm unsure whether I should order pizza or pasta for dinner tonight.
If (condition): If it snows tomorrow, we'll go sledding in the afternoon.
Fewer vs Less
「Fewer」和「less」都與數量有關,但用法不同。「Fewer」用於可數物品或可以單獨量化的事物,比如人或物體。 「Less」用於不可數或抽象的數量,如時間、金錢或物質。
Fewer vs Less 的用法例句
Fewer (countable): There are fewer books on the shelf today.
Less (uncountable): I have less sugar in my coffee than usual.
Principal and Principle
Principal and Principle 的用法例句
Principal (person): The principal investigator led the research team.
Principle (fundamental rule): The principle of conservation of energy was applied in this study.
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