there 대 their: 어느 것이 옳은 표현인가요?

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 there 입니다

there 또는 their: 뜻과 주요 차이점

"there"와 "their"는 발음이 비슷하지만 의미가 다릅니다. "there"는 장소를 나타내거나 존재를 표현할 때 사용됩니다. 예를 들어, "There is a book on the table"에서 "there"는 책이 있는 위치를 나타냅니다. 반면 "their"는 소유를 나타내는 대명사로, "그들의"라는 의미입니다. 예를 들어, "Their house is big"에서 "their"는 그들의 집을 의미합니다.

  • there의 예문

    문장에서 there 활용법

    There is a book on the table.

    I think there will be a storm tonight.

    There are many stars in the sky.

    Is there a reason for your absence?

    There seems to be a misunderstanding.

    I hope there is enough food for everyone.

    There was a time when we were happy.

    If there is a will, there is a way.

    There are several options to choose from.

    I can’t believe there is so much to learn.

  • their의 예문

    문장에서 their 활용법

    They took their dog for a walk in the park.

    The students presented their projects to the class.

    She found their lost keys under the couch.

    We should respect their opinions during the discussion.

    The team celebrated their victory with a party.

    He admired their artwork displayed in the gallery.

    They shared their experiences from the trip.

    The children played with their new toys all afternoon.

    I appreciate their help with the event planning.

    The company announced their new product launch next month.

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