ensure 대 insure: 어느 것이 옳은 표현인가요?

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 ensure 입니다

ensure 또는 insure: 뜻과 주요 차이점

"Ensure"와 "insure"는 비슷하게 들리지만 의미가 다릅니다. "Ensure"는 어떤 일이 반드시 일어나도록 보장하는 것을 의미합니다. 예를 들어, 안전을 보장하기 위해 조치를 취하는 경우에 사용됩니다. 반면 "insure"는 주로 재정적 보호를 제공하는 보험과 관련이 있습니다. 즉, 사고나 손실에 대비해 보험에 가입하는 것을 의미합니다.

  • ensure의 예문

    문장에서 ensure 활용법

    I will ensure that all the documents are submitted on time.

    It is important to ensure the safety of all participants during the event.

    We need to ensure that our project meets the deadline.

    To succeed, you must ensure that you have a clear plan.

    The teacher will ensure that every student understands the material.

    Please ensure that the doors are locked before leaving.

    They took steps to ensure the quality of their products.

    We must ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need.

    The manager will ensure that the team is well-prepared for the presentation.

    To avoid mistakes, always ensure you double-check your work.

  • insure의 예문

    문장에서 insure 활용법

    I need to insure my car against theft and damage.

    It's important to insure your home to protect your belongings.

    They decided to insure their trip in case of cancellations.

    You should insure your health with a good policy.

    The bank requires you to insure the property before granting a loan.

    We must insure that all safety measures are in place.

    To avoid losses, it's wise to insure your investments.

    The company will insure the shipment to cover any potential losses.

    I always insure my electronics against accidental damage.

    It's a good idea to insure your life for your family's security.

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