whiny vs whiney: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
whiny est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

whiny ou whiney : Signification et principales différences

"Whiny" and "whiney" are often used interchangeably, but "whiny" is the more widely accepted spelling. "Whiny" describes a person or behavior characterized by persistent complaining or a high-pitched, annoying tone, often associated with children. On the other hand, "whiney" is considered a less common variant and may be viewed as a misspelling in formal contexts. Both terms convey a similar meaning, but using "whiny" is generally preferred for clarity and correctness. In summary, stick with "whiny" for standard usage.

  • Exemples de whiny

    Comment utiliser whiny dans une phrase

    The whiny child complained about everything during the trip.

    Her whiny voice made it hard to concentrate on the meeting.

    I can't stand his whiny attitude when things don't go his way.

    The whiny dog kept barking until it got attention.

    She always has a whiny excuse for not finishing her work.

    His whiny remarks during the game annoyed the other players.

    I tried to ignore the whiny comments from my coworkers.

    The whiny tone in her message suggested she was upset.

    It's exhausting to deal with someone who is so whiny all the time.

    After a long day, I don't want to hear any whiny complaints.

  • Exemples de whiney

    Comment utiliser whiney dans une phrase

    This expression is incorrect.

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