where vs in which: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
where est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

where ou in which : Signification et principales différences

"Where" and "in which" are both used to refer to locations or contexts, but they serve different grammatical functions. "Where" is an adverb that typically introduces questions or clauses related to a place, making it more versatile in everyday language. For example, one might ask, "Where is the nearest coffee shop?" On the other hand, "in which" is a prepositional phrase often used in more formal contexts, particularly in writing, to specify a particular situation or environment, as in "the city in which I was born." While both can indicate location, "where" is more casual and direct, whereas "in which" tends to convey a sense of formality or specificity.

  • Exemples de where

    Comment utiliser where dans une phrase

    The book is on the table, but I don't know where it is.

    Can you tell me where the nearest coffee shop is?

    I remember where we parked the car last night.

    Do you know where she went after the meeting?

    This is the place where we first met.

    I can't recall where I put my keys.

    Where did you find that beautiful painting?

    He asked me where I had bought my shoes.

    Where are we going for dinner tonight?

    She wondered where all the time had gone.

  • Exemples de in which

    Comment utiliser in which dans une phrase

    The book in which I found the answer was fascinating.

    She described a world in which everyone lived in harmony.

    He shared a story in which he learned a valuable lesson.

    There is a place in which dreams come true.

    The movie depicts a future in which technology rules our lives.

    I remember a time in which we were all carefree.

    This is the project in which we invested our time and resources.

    They created a system in which users can easily navigate.

    The article discusses a theory in which time travel is possible.

    We visited a museum in which ancient artifacts are displayed.

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