until vs till: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
until est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

until ou till : Signification et principales différences

"Until" and "till" are often used interchangeably to indicate a point in time up to which something happens. However, "until" is the more formal and widely accepted term, while "till" is considered a colloquial or informal variant. Interestingly, "till" is actually the older of the two, with roots dating back to Old English. In writing, especially in formal contexts, it's generally advisable to use "until" to maintain a polished tone. Ultimately, both words convey the same meaning, but the choice between them can reflect the level of formality desired.

  • Exemples de until

    Comment utiliser until dans une phrase

    I will wait here until you arrive.

    She studied hard until the exam was over.

    We can't leave until everyone is ready.

    He will stay until the party ends.

    The store is open until 9 PM.

    You should keep practicing until you get it right.

    They won't start the meeting until the boss arrives.

    I will hold your hand until you feel better.

    Please don't eat until dinner is served.

    She will keep running until she reaches the finish line.

  • Exemples de till

    Comment utiliser till dans une phrase

    I will wait here till you come back.

    She studied hard till the exam was over.

    We can stay at the park till sunset.

    He didn't leave the party till it ended.

    I will keep working till I finish this project.

    They played soccer till it started to rain.

    You can borrow my book till you get your own.

    She saved her money till she could buy a car.

    I will hold your hand till you feel better.

    Let's keep walking till we find a good restaurant.

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