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thanks for the reminder est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.
The phrases "thanks for the reminder" and "thanks for reminding me" convey gratitude but differ slightly in nuance. "Thanks for the reminder" can imply appreciation for a specific prompt or note, often used when responding to an external cue, such as a message or alarm. In contrast, "thanks for reminding me" focuses more on the act of being reminded, emphasizing the personal aspect of the interaction. Both expressions are polite and acknowledge assistance, but the former feels more detached, while the latter feels more intimate.
4,670,000 résultats sur le web
But thanks for the reminder, Robin.
Thanks for the reminder, lieutenant.
Thanks for the reminder. You've never gone away It gives me hope
Thanks for the reminder of years spent extracting mangled payroll checks from printers with a straightened coat hanger.
Thanks for the reminder. @ecmullikin !!. @HambrickMS_AISD. Image. 1:18 AM · Dec 3, 2021 from Atascocita, TX·Twitter for iPhone.
Thanks for the reminder that I STILL DON'T HAVE VEX. Edit: just got it today!
Thanks for the reminder. Share Print. | September 11, 2019 1:00
I want to say thank you for the reminder about the afternoon this meeting. I had totally forgot!
1,480,000 résultats sur le web
Thanks for reminding me that my goat died in my arms.
Thanks for reminding me why this didn't work last time.
Thanks for reminding me how much fun life outside work can be.
Thanks for reminding me about tonight.
Thanks for reminding me, Stephen.
But I want to say thanks for reminding me what's possible again.
Yes, thanks for reminding me about something I tried so hard to forget.
Thanks for reminding me how to sew--I knew I could do it.
Thanks for reminding me that I still have no vacation days this year. It's going to be a long winter.
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