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never mind est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.
"Never mind" and "nevermind" are often confused, but they serve different purposes in English. "Never mind" is a phrase used to dismiss a previous statement or to indicate that something is not important anymore. For example, one might say, "Never mind, I found the answer." On the other hand, "nevermind" is a less common, informal variant that can sometimes be seen in casual writing or song lyrics, but it is not widely accepted in standard English. Overall, "never mind" is the preferred and grammatically correct form in most contexts.
I tried to explain, but he didn't understand, so I said, "never mind."
She forgot her keys again, but I told her, "never mind," we can get in through the back door.
When I realized I had the wrong book, I just shrugged and said, "never mind."
He was upset about the mistake, but I reassured him, "never mind," it happens to everyone.
I was worried about the presentation, but my friend said, "never mind," you'll do great.
After missing the bus, I thought about being late, but then I said, "never mind," I'll catch the next one.
She was frustrated with the project, but I told her, "never mind," we can fix it later.
When I spilled coffee on my shirt, I laughed and said, "never mind," it's just a little stain.
He was concerned about the weather, but I told him, "never mind," we can still have fun indoors.
I was worried about the exam results, but my teacher said, "never mind," focus on the next one.
I told him to stop worrying, but he just said, "nevermind."
She was upset about the mistake, but I told her, "nevermind," it happens to everyone.
When I asked if he wanted to join us, he replied, "nevermind," I have other plans.
I was going to explain the situation, but she waved her hand and said, "nevermind."
After realizing I forgot my wallet, I just said, "nevermind," and left the store.
He started to apologize, but I interrupted him with, "nevermind," it's not a big deal.
She was about to ask a question, but then she thought better of it and said, "nevermind."
I was going to tell her my secret, but I changed my mind and said, "nevermind."
When he asked if I needed help, I smiled and said, "nevermind," I've got it covered.
I wanted to discuss the issue further, but I decided to just say, "nevermind," and move on.
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