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I used est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.
"I have used" implies that the action of using something began in the past and has relevance or impact in the present, suggesting a connection to a current situation. In contrast, "I used" denotes a completed action that occurred at a specific time in the past, with no current implications. The first phrase often emphasizes experience, while the second focuses on a past event. Overall, "I have used" conveys ongoing relevance, whereas "I used" indicates finality.
750,000 résultats sur le web
I used to listen to their music, but I didn’t like their last few albums.
I used duct tape to fix the leak, and it seemed to work.
I was bored on my day off, so I used my free time to deep-clean my house.
I used to be a teacher, but the pay was too low to live on, so I switched careers.
Although I used to do my makeup every day, I decided at some point that it wasn’t worth the effort, so now I just do my makeup for special occasions.
I used the bonus I got from work to book a weekend getaway.
Few people know that I used to be afraid of public speaking.
“Do you work at the bank downtown?” “I used to; now I work at the one in my neighbourhood.”
As a kid, I used to read books all the time, but as I got older, I got busy with other things and stopped reading.
I used my negotiation skills to get a better salary.
He wanted to know what ingredients I used to make the casserole.
I used to love going to the beach, but now I find it boring.
My friend laughed when I told her that I used to have really weird dreams as a kid.
I love the song “Somebody That I Used To Know” by Gotye.
My dad gave me a screwdriver, which I used to fix things around the house.
133,000 résultats sur le web
I have used their services before; they do a really good job.
I have used grocery lists my entire life; if I didn’t have one, I wouldn’t remember what I needed to buy.
I have no idea how much of my monthly data I have used so far.
So far, I have used over-the-counter allergy medication for my pet allergies, but it hasn’t been working very well, so I would like to get a prescription for more effective medication.
Although I am not proud of it, I have used the internet to cheat on online tests before.
I have used simple language to describe my research so it is accessible to a wider audience.
How can I tell how much of my phone’s storage I have used?
I prefer to use my own pictures or imaginary landscapes as references for my paintings, but I have used pictures and paintings I have found online as references before.
I have used up all of my coupons for the grocery store.
I have used PayPal before, but not in a while.
I don’t have much experience creating content for social media platforms, but I have used Instagram to promote my previous company’s content before.
It appears that I have used up all of my good luck.
Can my visit be counted if I have used up a reward or offer within the same transaction?
This list contains names I have used in writing projects, and ones that I want to use. (These are not for the same project).
After I have used Plantur 21 #longhair Booster, can I use styling products such as hairspray or dry shampoo? Yes, but wait a little until the booster has had a chance to work.
I have used a range of electrical components to help to make a variety of circuits for differing purposes. Furthermore, I can represent my circuit using symbols.
Hi, can you help me, I know at the end is for location and period, but in my sentence, I have used in the end. Is it that very wrong?
However, after 30 minutes, I forgot whether I have used "area (geodesic)" or "area" to compute the area. I was wondering whether there is someone with the lecture notes…
A site address I have used regularly no longer opens with Firefox, I get the message that the page does not exist.
What happens after I have used 12 gas cylinders on the Sparkle Saver's Plan? Once you have used 12 gas cylinders in less than a year you will not be able to reverse the process.
I have used Prettys for many years and would never think of using anyone else.
I have used up all of my lancets, what do I do? If you have used all of your lancets and have not managed to fill the sample tube, send a message to the administrator.
For whatever reason, I have used up 80% of my Mobile Data usage by 27-04-2020 since it stated again afresh on 24-04-2020.
I have used a form template and made edits. How can I create a word document or pdf of the form for review purposes?
This is really helpful in understanding the difference between these two words that I have used interchangeably on many occasions.
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