Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
flyer est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.
"Flyer" and "flier" are two terms that often cause confusion due to their similar pronunciation and meaning. "Flyer" typically refers to a printed advertisement or promotional material, often distributed to attract attention to an event or service. On the other hand, "flier" can refer to a person or thing that flies, such as a bird or an airplane. While both words are correct, their usage depends on the context, with "flyer" being more common in marketing contexts. Ultimately, understanding the distinction can enhance clarity in communication.
The flyer for the event was beautifully designed.
I received a flyer in the mail advertising the new restaurant.
She handed out a flyer to promote her charity organization.
The flyer included all the details about the upcoming concert.
He posted a flyer on the bulletin board to find a roommate.
The flyer caught my attention with its bright colors and bold text.
They created a digital flyer to share on social media.
I noticed a flyer for a yoga class at the local gym.
The flyer was so informative that I decided to attend the workshop.
We printed several copies of the flyer to distribute at the community center.
The flier for the concert was beautifully designed.
She handed out a flier advertising the new restaurant.
I saw a flier on the bulletin board about a job opening.
The flier included a map to the event location.
He printed a flier to promote his photography business.
The flier caught my attention with its bright colors.
They distributed a flier to raise awareness about the charity.
I received a flier in the mail for a local festival.
The flier featured a discount for first-time customers.
She created a digital flier to share on social media.
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