empathetic vs empathic: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
empathetic est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

empathetic ou empathic : Signification et principales différences

"Empathetic" and "empathic" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences in their connotations. "Empathetic" is more commonly used in everyday language and emphasizes the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In contrast, "empathic" is often found in psychological contexts and can imply a more clinical or formal understanding of empathy. Both terms highlight the importance of emotional connection, but "empathetic" tends to convey a warmer, more personal touch. Ultimately, the choice between the two may depend on the context in which they are used.

  • Exemples de empathetic

    Comment utiliser empathetic dans une phrase

    She was always empathetic towards her friends' struggles.

    His empathetic nature made him a great listener.

    The teacher's empathetic approach helped students feel safe.

    In times of crisis, being empathetic can make a big difference.

    Her empathetic response to the situation was appreciated by everyone.

    He wrote an empathetic letter to the victims of the disaster.

    The empathetic dialogue in the film resonated with many viewers.

    To be empathetic is to understand others' feelings deeply.

    She showed an empathetic attitude during the difficult conversation.

    His empathetic gestures conveyed his support and understanding.

  • Exemples de empathic

    Comment utiliser empathic dans une phrase

    She showed an empathic understanding of his feelings during the conversation.

    The teacher's empathic approach helped the students feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts.

    In her role as a counselor, she always maintained an empathic attitude towards her clients.

    His empathic nature made him a great friend who always listened without judgment.

    The novel's protagonist was portrayed as an empathic character who connected deeply with others.

    During the workshop, participants learned how to develop their empathic skills for better communication.

    Her empathic response to the tragedy brought comfort to those affected.

    The empathic bond between the mother and child was evident in their interactions.

    He wrote an empathic letter to express his support for the victims of the disaster.

    The empathic dialogue in the film highlighted the importance of understanding different perspectives.

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