continuously vs continually: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
continuously est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

continuously ou continually : Signification et principales différences

"Continuously" and "continually" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. "Continuously" refers to something that occurs without interruption, such as a machine running non-stop. In contrast, "continually" describes an action that happens repeatedly over time, but with breaks in between, like a person who frequently checks their phone throughout the day. Understanding this difference can enhance clarity in writing, ensuring that the intended meaning is conveyed accurately. Thus, choosing the right word depends on whether the focus is on unbroken duration or repeated occurrences.

  • Exemples de continuously

    Comment utiliser continuously dans une phrase

    The machine operates continuously to ensure maximum efficiency.

    She studied continuously for three days to prepare for the exam.

    The river flows continuously throughout the year, providing water to the surrounding areas.

    He spoke continuously for an hour without taking a break.

    The team worked continuously to meet the project deadline.

    The lights flickered continuously, indicating a possible electrical issue.

    She felt a continuously growing sense of anxiety as the deadline approached.

    The music played continuously, creating a lively atmosphere at the party.

    The data was collected continuously to monitor the changes in temperature.

    They traveled continuously across the country, stopping only for fuel and food.

  • Exemples de continually

    Comment utiliser continually dans une phrase

    The team worked continually to improve their project.

    She faced challenges continually but never gave up.

    The river flows continually throughout the year.

    He continually seeks new opportunities for growth.

    The noise from the construction site was continually distracting.

    They continually update their software to enhance security.

    The teacher continually encourages her students to ask questions.

    She continually strives for excellence in her work.

    The weather changes continually, making it hard to plan outdoor activities.

    He was continually reminded of his goals by his mentor.

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