canceled vs cancelled: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
canceled est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

canceled ou cancelled : Signification et principales différences

The words "canceled" and "cancelled" both refer to the act of calling off or nullifying something, such as an event or a subscription. The primary difference between them lies in their spelling: "canceled" is the preferred form in American English, while "cancelled" is commonly used in British English. Both versions are correct, but their usage depends on the regional variation of English being employed. In contexts where consistency is key, it's important to choose one form and stick with it throughout the text. Ultimately, the choice between "canceled" and "cancelled" reflects the writer's audience and regional preferences.

  • Exemples de canceled

    Comment utiliser canceled dans une phrase

    The event was canceled due to bad weather.

    She was disappointed when her flight was canceled at the last minute.

    The meeting was canceled because the main speaker was unavailable.

    They announced that the concert had been canceled for safety reasons.

    His subscription was canceled after he failed to make the payment.

    The project was canceled after the budget cuts were implemented.

    We were informed that the class was canceled for the day.

    The game was canceled because of the heavy rain.

    Her appointment was canceled without any prior notice.

    The trip was canceled after the travel restrictions were imposed.

  • Exemples de cancelled

    Comment utiliser cancelled dans une phrase

    The event was cancelled due to bad weather.

    She received a notification that her flight was cancelled.

    The meeting was cancelled at the last minute.

    He was disappointed when the concert was cancelled.

    All classes were cancelled for the day because of the snowstorm.

    The project was cancelled after the budget cuts.

    They had to cancelled their vacation plans because of work commitments.

    The show was cancelled after the first performance.

    Her subscription was cancelled without any prior notice.

    The game was cancelled because of the heavy rain.

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