calves vs calfs: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
calves est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

calves ou calfs : Signification et principales différences

"Calves" and "calfs" are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have distinct meanings. "Calves" is the plural form of "calf," referring to young cows or the back portion of the lower leg in humans. In contrast, "calfs" is an incorrect spelling and is not recognized in standard English. Proper usage of "calves" is essential for clarity in both agricultural and anatomical contexts. Understanding the difference helps in effective communication and writing.

  • Exemples de calves

    Comment utiliser calves dans une phrase

    The farmer raised calves on his ranch.

    During the summer, the calves enjoyed grazing in the lush fields.

    She took great care of the calves to ensure they grew strong.

    The calves were playful and loved to run around the barn.

    He learned how to feed the calves properly for optimal growth.

    The vet came to check on the health of the calves.

    In the spring, the calves were born and brought joy to the farm.

    The children loved to watch the calves play in the pasture.

    Each calf was given a name to help identify the calves easily.

    Raising calves can be a rewarding experience for any farmer.

  • Exemples de calfs

    Comment utiliser calfs dans une phrase

    This expression is incorrect.

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