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assume est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.
"Assume" and "presume" are often used interchangeably, but they carry subtle differences in meaning. To "assume" is to take something for granted without proof, often based on a lack of information. In contrast, to "presume" implies a level of probability or reasonable belief based on existing evidence or circumstances. For example, one might assume that it will rain if they see dark clouds, while they might presume it will rain if they hear a weather forecast predicting rain. Understanding these nuances can enhance clarity in communication.
I assume you have completed your homework.
She decided to assume the role of team leader.
It's safe to assume that he will arrive on time.
I can't assume responsibility for his actions.
They assume that the project will be finished by next week.
We should not assume everyone understands the instructions.
I assume you are familiar with the new software.
He tends to assume the worst in every situation.
You should never assume that someone is lying without evidence.
I assume this is the correct address for the meeting.
I presume you’ve already met our new manager.
We can only presume that he made it home safely.
The court will presume innocence until proven guilty.
She didn’t answer, so I presume she’s not interested.
I presume they will arrive by noon as planned.
He tends to presume too much about others’ intentions.
You shouldn’t presume that e
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