as big as me vs as big as I: Qu'est-ce qui est correct ?

Une recherche complète sur l'internet a donné les résultats suivants :
as big as me est l'expression la plus populaire sur le web.

as big as me ou as big as I : Signification et principales différences

The phrases "as big as I" and "as big as me" differ primarily in grammatical form. "As big as I" uses the subject pronoun "I," which is technically correct when following a verb or linking verb, suggesting a more formal construction. On the other hand, "as big as me" employs the object pronoun "me," which is more commonly used in everyday conversation and is generally accepted in informal contexts. While both phrases convey similar meanings, the choice between them can reflect the speaker's level of formality or grammatical awareness.

  • Exemples de as big as me

    Comment utiliser as big as me dans une phrase

    204,089 résultats sur le web

    Mom, my little brother isn't as big as me yet, is he?

    I see he is growing up fast, but I'm pretty sure that he'll never be as big as me.

    Is that statue as big as me, or is that just an illusion?

    The challenge will be overcome, because the challenge will never be as big as me--I will always conquer it.

    Is she as big as me these days? I can't imagine that.

    This snowman is almost as big as me!

  • Exemples de as big as I

    Comment utiliser as big as I dans une phrase

    54,008 résultats sur le web

    Miller's Crossing -- You're exactly as big as I let you be. Straussian.

    I like to live as big as I can.” “As soon as I got out there I felt a strange relationship with the pitcher's mound. It was as if I'd been born out there. Pitching just felt ...

    And seven young salmon a learning to sing. With a ri fol latitee O And one of the salmon as big as I Ri fol latitee O And one of the salmon as big as I Now do you ...

    I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can. George Herman Ruth (6 February 1895 – 16 August 1948) was an American Major League Baseball player from ...

    Jan 24, 2015 — "It is as big as me" is improper English grammar. It should be "It is as big as I" or "It is as big as I am." The Spanish version uses ...

    At this age, Ive said, he was nicknamed Tiny, because "I was as big as I am now".

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