uninterested vs disinterested

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
uninterested ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Uninterested" and "disinterested" are often confused but have distinct meanings. "Uninterested" refers to a lack of interest or concern in a particular subject or activity, indicating indifference. In contrast, "disinterested" describes a state of impartiality, where someone is unbiased and not influenced by personal stakes in a situation. For example, a disinterested judge is one who is fair and objective, while an uninterested student may simply not care about the lesson. Understanding the difference is crucial for clear communication.

  • Beispiele für “uninterested” im Internet

    I was completely uninterested in the movie, as it lacked a compelling plot.

    She seemed uninterested in the conversation, often looking at her phone.

    Despite the exciting topic, he remained uninterested throughout the lecture.

    The children appeared uninterested in the educational game, preferring to play outside.

    Her uninterested attitude during the meeting was noted by her supervisor.

    I found the book uninterested, as the characters were not well-developed.

    He was uninterested in joining the club, preferring to spend time alone.

    The audience looked uninterested as the speaker droned on without engaging them.

    Even with the free snacks, many attendees seemed uninterested in the presentation.

    She expressed her uninterested feelings about the event, saying it wasn't her style.

  • Beispiele für “disinterested” im Internet

    The judge remained disinterested throughout the trial to ensure a fair verdict.

    Her disinterested attitude towards the competition surprised her teammates.

    It is important for a referee to be disinterested in the outcome of the game.

    His disinterested perspective allowed him to analyze the situation objectively.

    She approached the negotiation with a disinterested mindset, focusing on the facts rather than emotions.

    The committee sought a disinterested expert to provide an unbiased opinion.

    His disinterested nature made him an ideal candidate for the advisory role.

    They appreciated her disinterested feedback, which helped improve their project.

    A disinterested observer would note the flaws in the argument presented.

    The disinterested researcher published findings that challenged popular beliefs.

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