truly vs truely

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
truly ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Truly" and "truely" are often confused, but only "truly" is the correct spelling. "Truly" is an adverb that means in a truthful way or genuinely, often used to emphasize sincerity or authenticity. For example, one might say, "I truly appreciate your help." On the other hand, "truely" is a common misspelling and does not exist in standard English. To ensure clarity and correctness in writing, always use "truly."

  • Beispiele für “truly” im Internet

    I truly believe that kindness can change the world.

    She is a truly talented artist who deserves more recognition.

    If you truly want to succeed, you must work hard and stay focused.

    He truly understands the importance of family and friendship.

    The movie was truly inspiring and left a lasting impression on me.

    I truly appreciate your help during this difficult time.

    Her smile was truly contagious, brightening everyone's day.

    They truly enjoyed their vacation and made unforgettable memories.

    To be truly happy, one must find balance in life.

    His dedication to the project was truly commendable and inspiring.

  • Beispiele für “truely” im Internet

    This expression is incorrect.

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