sneaked vs snuck

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
sneaked ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Sneaked" and "snuck" are both past tense forms of the verb "sneak," meaning to move quietly or secretly. "Sneaked" is the traditional past tense and is widely accepted in formal writing. In contrast, "snuck" is considered informal and is more commonly used in American English. While both forms are understood, "snuck" has gained popularity in casual conversation. Ultimately, the choice between the two often depends on the context and the speaker's preference.

  • Beispiele für “sneaked” im Internet

    The cat sneaked into the room without anyone noticing.

    He sneaked a piece of cake when no one was looking.

    She sneaked out of the house to meet her friends.

    They sneaked a peek at the surprise party preparations.

    The dog sneaked up on the squirrel in the yard.

    He sneaked his phone into the exam room despite the rules.

    She sneaked a quick glance at her watch during the meeting.

    The children sneaked away to play in the park after school.

    He sneaked a few extra fries from his friend's plate.

    They sneaked into the theater just before the movie started.

  • Beispiele für “snuck” im Internet

    I snuck into the theater just before the movie started.

    She snuck a cookie from the jar when no one was looking.

    They snuck out of the house to meet their friends at the park.

    He snuck a glance at the test answers during the exam.

    The cat snuck up on the unsuspecting bird in the garden.

    We snuck away for a weekend trip without telling anyone.

    She snuck a note into his backpack to surprise him later.

    The kids snuck into the backyard to play without permission.

    He snuck a few extra fries from her plate when she wasn't watching.

    They snuck into the concert by using fake tickets.

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