resend vs re-send

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
resend ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

The terms "resend" and "re-send" both refer to the action of sending something again, such as an email or a message. "Resend" is the more commonly accepted form, functioning as a single verb in modern usage, while "re-send" is a less frequent variation that hyphenates the prefix "re-" with "send." In most contexts, "resend" is preferred for its simplicity and efficiency. However, "re-send" might occasionally appear in contexts emphasizing the prefix’s role or for stylistic reasons.

  • Beispiele für “resend” im Internet

    1,344,621 Ergebnisse im Internet

    You can also log into Erasmusu and resend the confirmation email.

    The Quicksend feature allows you to resend a previous email campaign (created in the last 30 days) to individual contacts that you choose from other lists.

    The shipping costs to resend the package will be charged extra.

    If it will be necessary to resend an article because of an error in the address, we will have to debit you more expeditions fees.

    We are unable to resend invitation emails with your link again.

    We will either resend the package or refund your payment.

    You can resend an order confirmation to an attendee.

    We will either resend the package or refund your payment. See our Delivery Guarantee for more information.

    This message is very important, in case you do not receive it within 10 minutes, let us know and we will resend it.

    You may resend it or edit the number if you made an error.

    Just go to "Email Invitations" and copy an invitation to resend it only to guests who haven't responded.

  • Beispiele für “re-send” im Internet

    Ergebnisse im Internet

    You can also log into Erasmusu and re-send the confirmation email.

    The Quicksend feature allows you to re-send a previous email campaign (created in the last 30 days) to individual contacts that you choose from other lists.

    The shipping costs to re-send the package will be charged extra.

    If it will be necessary to re-send an article because of an error in the address, we will have to debit you more expeditions fees.

    We are unable to re-send invitation emails with your link again.

    We will either re-send the package or refund your payment.

    You can re-send an order confirmation to an attendee.

    We will either re-send the package or refund your payment. See our Delivery Guarantee for more information.

    This message is very important, in case you do not receive it within 10 minutes, let us know and we will re-send it.

    You may re-send it or edit the number if you made an error.

    Just go to ""Email Invitations"" and copy an invitation to re-send it only to guests who haven't responded.

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