recur vs reoccur

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
recur ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Recur" and "reoccur" are often confused, but they have distinct meanings. "Recur" refers to something that happens repeatedly over time, such as a recurring event or a recurring theme in literature. In contrast, "reoccur" indicates that something happens again after a period of time, but not necessarily in a regular pattern, like a one-time event that happens again later. For example, a headache may recur frequently, while a specific holiday may reoccur each year. Understanding the difference can enhance clarity in communication.

  • Beispiele für “recur” im Internet

    The same problem tends to recur in different contexts.

    She decided to recur to her old habits during stressful times.

    The theme of love and loss will recur throughout the novel.

    If the symptoms recur, you should consult a doctor.

    Dreams often recur when they hold significant meaning for us.

    The issue may recur if not addressed properly.

    In mathematics, certain patterns recur in various sequences.

    The phrase recur in his speeches made them memorable.

    It's common for certain memories to recur during significant life events.

    The need for improvement will recur until we find a solution.

  • Beispiele für “reoccur” im Internet

    The issue seems to reoccur every few months.

    We need to find a solution before the problem reoccurs again.

    It's frustrating when the same mistakes reoccur in our project.

    I hope this pattern doesn't reoccur in the future.

    The symptoms may reoccur if the treatment is not followed.

    It's important to address the root cause to prevent it from reoccurring.

    The dream I had last night seems to reoccur often.

    If the event reoccurs, we should be better prepared.

    I noticed that the same theme tends to reoccur in her writing.

    We should analyze why these issues reoccur so frequently.

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