proceed vs precede

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
proceed ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Proceed" and "precede" are two verbs that often cause confusion due to their similar sounds but distinct meanings. "Proceed" means to continue or move forward with an action or process, often after a pause or interruption. In contrast, "precede" refers to something that comes before another in time, order, or position. For example, a meeting may proceed after a break, while an introduction precedes the main presentation. Understanding the difference between these terms is essential for clear communication.

  • Beispiele für “proceed” im Internet

    The meeting will proceed as planned.

    Please let us know if you wish to proceed with the application.

    After the break, we will proceed to the next topic.

    If you are ready, we can proceed with the presentation.

    The team decided to proceed with the project despite the challenges.

    Once the approval is granted, we will proceed immediately.

    It is important to proceed with caution in this situation.

    They will proceed to the next phase of the experiment.

    We should proceed according to the guidelines provided.

    The event will proceed unless there are unforeseen circumstances.

  • Beispiele für “precede” im Internet

    The thunder will precede the rain.

    The introduction should precede the main content.

    Events that precede the meeting are crucial for preparation.

    Always ensure that safety measures precede any construction work.

    The warm-up exercises should precede the workout session.

    In a recipe, the preparation steps usually precede the cooking instructions.

    The opening act will precede the main performance.

    In a timeline, the past events precede the present.

    The warning signs often precede a disaster.

    Good communication should precede any negotiation.

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