pretense vs pretence

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
pretense ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Pretense" and "pretence" are two spellings of the same word, with "pretense" being the preferred form in American English and "pretence" commonly used in British English. Both terms refer to the act of pretending or a false display of feelings, attitudes, or intentions. While their meanings are identical, the choice of spelling often reflects the regional variations in English. In contexts where American English is standard, "pretense" is more frequently encountered, whereas "pretence" is favored in British literature and media. Ultimately, the distinction lies solely in regional preference rather than in meaning.

  • Beispiele für “pretense” im Internet

    She made a pretense of enjoying the party.

    Under the pretense of friendship, he tried to gather information.

    They laughed together, but it was all a pretense.

    His kindness was just a pretense to gain favor.

    She spoke with a pretense of confidence.

    He left under the pretense of an urgent call.

    Her pretense of interest didn’t fool anyone.

    He acted under the **pretense

  • Beispiele für “pretence” im Internet

    The pretence of confidence can often mask true feelings.

    She maintained a pretence of indifference despite her obvious excitement.

    His pretence of being busy was transparent to his colleagues.

    Under the pretence of friendship, he was actually plotting against her.

    The pretence of normalcy was shattered by the unexpected news.

    They lived under the pretence that everything was fine, but deep down, they were struggling.

    Her pretence of understanding the complex topic was quickly exposed.

    He put on a pretence of happiness during the celebration, but he felt lonely inside.

    The pretence of a perfect life can be exhausting to maintain.

    She dropped her pretence and revealed her true feelings at last.

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