pieces of paper vs pieces of papers

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
pieces of paper ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

The phrase "pieces of paper" refers to individual sheets or fragments of a single material, typically used in writing or printing. It emphasizes the uncountable nature of "paper," which is generally treated as a singular substance. In contrast, "pieces of papers" suggests a pluralization of the material itself, which is grammatically incorrect in standard English usage. The correct term "pieces of paper" highlights that multiple distinct portions come from one type of material, while the latter construction causes confusion and is rarely employed.

  • Beispiele für “pieces of paper” im Internet

    7,303,221 Ergebnisse im Internet

    I'm sure a couple pieces of paper are fine.

    Really. I mean, these are just pieces of paper.

    I spent some quality time with some meaningless pieces of paper.

    And there are a bunch of Teen Wolf related words and phrases written on pieces of paper in that thing.

    Torn up pieces of paper in his wallet.

    And... some pieces of paper.

    Those aren't just two pieces of paper in your billfold.

    Three round pieces of paper taped to his shirt.

    Look at those pieces of paper just sitting on my desk.

    The winning tickets are just pieces of paper now.

    That's just pieces of paper.

    This whole country is founded on these three pieces of paper.

    Luke, inside this box is a pencil and two pieces of paper.

  • Beispiele für “pieces of papers” im Internet

    Ergebnisse im Internet

    A few pieces of papers on my father's desk blew onto the floor.

    Really. I mean, these are just pieces of papers I used to keep underneath my bed.

    The pieces of the papers I wrote for school were scattered across my floor--the dog ate my homework!

    She has torn-up pieces of papers she sent to her boyfriend in her pocket still.

    Some pieces of the papers the author wrote are still in circulation.

    Pieces of the papers tattooed into the minds of the teenagers attending.

    The mailman picked up pieces of papers he had just dropped.

    Pieces of papers torn off of flyers littered the city in the morning.

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