losses vs loses

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
losses ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Losses" and "loses" are often confused due to their similar spelling and pronunciation, but they serve different grammatical functions. "Losses" is a noun, referring to the state of losing something or the amount lost, such as in financial contexts or sports. For example, a team may have several losses in a season. In contrast, "loses" is the third-person singular form of the verb "lose," indicating the action of not winning or misplacing something. For instance, he often loses his keys. Understanding the distinction between these two words is essential for clear communication.

  • Beispiele für “losses” im Internet

    The company's losses this quarter were higher than expected.

    Investors are concerned about the potential losses in the upcoming fiscal year.

    Despite the losses, the team remains optimistic about future projects.

    The report highlighted the losses incurred during the last marketing campaign.

    Many businesses faced significant losses due to the pandemic.

    The losses from the failed investment were a wake-up call for the management.

    She was devastated by the losses her family experienced in the stock market.

    The losses in revenue forced the company to make difficult decisions.

    He learned valuable lessons from the losses he faced in his career.

    The unexpected losses prompted a review of the company's financial strategies.

  • Beispiele für “loses” im Internet

    The team loses the game if they don't practice hard enough.

    She always loses her keys when she's in a hurry.

    If he loses his temper, it can lead to serious arguments.

    The company loses money every time they run a promotion.

    When she loses focus, her work quality declines.

    He loses track of time when he's reading a good book.

    If the dog loses its collar, it might run away.

    The student loses points for every mistake on the test.

    If the weather loses its consistency, it can affect travel plans.

    When she loses confidence, she struggles to perform well.

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