later vs latter

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
later ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Later" and "latter" are often confused due to their similar sounds, but they have distinct meanings. "Later" refers to a time that is after a specified point, often used to indicate a future moment or delay. For example, one might say, "I will call you later." In contrast, "latter" is used to refer to the second of two items mentioned, as in "Between apples and oranges, I prefer the latter." Understanding the difference between these two words can enhance clarity in both writing and conversation.

  • Beispiele für “later” im Internet

    I will call you later.

    She decided to finish her homework later.

    We can discuss this issue later in the meeting.

    He promised to return the book later.

    Let's grab lunch now and talk later.

    I have a meeting, but I will see you later.

    The train will arrive later than expected.

    I will send you the details later.

    They plan to travel later this year.

    You can pay me back later if you want.

  • Beispiele für “latter” im Internet

    The first option was appealing, but I preferred the latter.

    In the debate, the latter argument was more convincing.

    She had two choices, and she chose the latter.

    The first book was interesting, but the latter was a masterpiece.

    He offered two solutions, and I found the latter to be more practical.

    Between the two proposals, I support the latter one.

    The latter part of the movie was much more exciting.

    I liked both dishes, but the latter was my favorite.

    The latter half of the concert was truly unforgettable.

    After considering both options, I decided on the latter.

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