I'll pretend I didn't hear that vs I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that

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I'll pretend I didn't hear that. ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

The phrase "I'll pretend I didn't hear that" suggests a spontaneous decision to ignore something that has just been said, implying a more immediate reaction. In contrast, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" indicates a planned or deliberate intention to overlook the remark, suggesting a future action rather than an instant response. Both expressions convey a similar sentiment of avoidance, but the former feels more impulsive while the latter carries a sense of forethought.

  • Beispiele für “I'll pretend I didn't hear that.” im Internet

    47,900 Ergebnisse im Internet

    I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

    (glove snaps) I'll totally pretend I didn't hear any of that.

    I'll pretend I didn't hear it.

    if you say something weird I'll pretend I didn't hear.

    And I'll just pretend like I didn't hear him and keep right on going.

    I'll just pretend I didn't hear what the principal said to me.

    If you tell me what I don't want to hear, I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

  • Beispiele für “I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that” im Internet

    Ergebnisse im Internet

    [I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear you use "range" as a verb meaning "include in our range", Jules from Orange. Cool? Cool.]

    I'm a-pretend I didn't hear that.

    I'm going to pretend I didn't hear what you just said.

    I know she mentioned not to go to the buffet more than once, but** I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that**.

    He says he's just going to pretend that he didn't hear what the speaker told him.

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