have vs has

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have ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Have" and "has" are both forms of the verb "to have," used to indicate possession or experience. "Have" is used with the subjects I, you, we, and they, while "has" is used with he, she, it, and singular nouns. For example, one might say, "I have a book," versus "She has a book." Both forms can also be used in perfect tenses, such as "I have eaten" and "He has eaten." Understanding the correct usage of these forms is essential for proper grammar in English.

  • Beispiele für “have” im Internet

    I have a dream that one day we will all be free.

    They have been working hard to achieve their goals.

    She has a beautiful garden that she tends to every day.

    We have to leave early to avoid the traffic.

    He had a great time at the party last night.

    Do you have any plans for the weekend?

    They have a lot of experience in this field.

    I have never seen such a stunning sunset before.

    You have to try this new restaurant; it's amazing!

    We have all the information we need to proceed.

  • Beispiele für “has” im Internet

    The teacher has a lot of experience in teaching.

    She has finished her homework on time.

    He has a unique perspective on the issue.

    The company has launched a new product this year.

    My friend has traveled to many countries.

    The dog has been barking all night.

    This book has received excellent reviews.

    She has a beautiful singing voice.

    The project has been completed ahead of schedule.

    He has always been supportive of my decisions.

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