got vs gotten

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
got ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Got" and "gotten" are both forms of the verb "get," but their usage varies by region. In American English, "gotten" is commonly used as the past participle, indicating a completed action or change of state, as in "I have gotten better at playing the piano." In contrast, British English typically uses "got" as the past participle, leading to phrases like "I have got a new job." While both forms are correct, their preference depends on the speaker's dialect. Understanding this distinction can enhance clarity in communication across different English-speaking regions.

  • Beispiele für “got” im Internet

    I have got a new job that I really enjoy.

    She got a beautiful dress for the party.

    They got lost on their way to the concert.

    He has got a great sense of humor that makes everyone laugh.

    We got some amazing news about our project.

    I got a call from an old friend yesterday.

    She got a promotion at work after months of hard work.

    They have got to finish their homework before going out.

    He got a ticket to the sold-out show.

    I have got to remember to buy groceries later.

  • Beispiele für “gotten” im Internet

    I have gotten better at playing the piano over the years.

    She has gotten used to the new environment quickly.

    They have gotten the results they were hoping for.

    He has gotten a promotion at work after all his hard work.

    We have gotten to know each other much better since the trip.

    The team has gotten a lot of support from the community.

    I have never gotten such a warm welcome before.

    She has gotten her degree after years of studying.

    He has gotten into the habit of exercising every morning.

    They have gotten their hands on the latest technology.

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