discrete vs discreet

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
discrete ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Discrete" and "discreet" are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have distinct meanings. "Discrete" refers to something that is separate or distinct, often used in mathematics and science to describe individual elements or units. In contrast, "discreet" means being careful or circumspect in one's speech or actions, often to avoid drawing attention or to maintain privacy. Understanding the difference is crucial, as using one in place of the other can lead to misunderstandings. Remember: "discrete" is about separation, while "discreet" is about caution.

  • Beispiele für “discrete” im Internet

    The researcher identified two discrete variables in the study.

    In mathematics, a discrete set consists of distinct and separate elements.

    The artist used discrete colors to create a vibrant painting.

    Each discrete step in the process is crucial for success.

    The software can handle discrete data points efficiently.

    They divided the project into discrete phases for better management.

    The discrete nature of the data made it easier to analyze.

    She prefers discrete communication methods to maintain privacy.

    The discrete changes in temperature were recorded throughout the day.

    His discrete approach to problem-solving often leads to innovative solutions.

  • Beispiele für “discreet” im Internet

    She was very discreet about her personal life.

    The lawyer gave discreet advice to his client.

    It's important to be discreet when discussing sensitive topics.

    He made a discreet exit from the party.

    The discreet nature of the meeting ensured confidentiality.

    She wore a discreet outfit that was both stylish and modest.

    They had a discreet conversation in the corner of the room.

    His discreet behavior made everyone feel at ease.

    The discreet packaging of the product kept it under the radar.

    Being discreet is a valuable trait in a good friend.

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